Replacement Replacing a Control Box for Nozzle Type Vacuum Packing Machines
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- Replacing a Control Box for Nozzle Type Vacuum Packing Machines
This is how to replace a Control Box for Nozzle Type Vacuum Packing Machines.
It is advised that the machine stands up facing me for an easy operation.
At first, open the Machine Cover by loosening the screws.
From this point, you need to be very careful and need some extreme care
for numbering Electrical Cable Connection numbers, in order not to mix up
the Cables each other which eventually could cause a serious Electrical damage for the Control Box.
If you look at from the far right Cables,you may see FG,R2,T2 P0.1 & P0.2, P0.3~P0.6, P4.6 & R1 and finally R1&T1 and next time is for a two Blue Cables and the Vacum Hose to be taken out.
The next step we need to get the Control Box out, but just pushing it on
it won't come out from the machine.
If you touch the lower part of the Control Box, you may find some place to be pressed down so press it down slightly and do the upper part as same way as lower upper part did by pushing it outside with a slight power then a Control Box is coming out now.
Bring a new one and insert the Control Box into the machine and start connecting the Cables as they were plugged in their original places.
Please refer to Electrical Diagrams by User's manual page 35 and it is important to connect the Cables while checking one by one.
More importantly, if you see a Connector written as R2,T2,FG where the power 220V out so this Connector must be connected on the far right hand side all the time.
If this one connected wrongly at the other place, it causes a Electrical burning damage.
P0.1 & P0.2 Connector is connected by the side and P0.3~P0.6, Connector is just beside it R1,T1 is connected on the above and R1,P4.6 is connected at the bottom of Connector.
Next one is Blue Connector for Sensors, it is well shaped to get it plugged in at easy way. Plug in 8 Pin and next one is 4 Pin on the above and finally connect the Vacuum Hose.
Thank you for taking time and watching the video !
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