Replacement Replacing Lower Teflon Sheet for Nozzle Type Vacuum Packing Machines

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작성자 Airzero
댓글 0건 조회 158회 작성일 20-01-30 18:20


 This is how to replace a new type Heat Wire Holder for Nozzle Type Vacuum Packing Machines. 

 Take the Holder Cover out by loosening the screws.

 Lower the Holder Lever to downwards direction, and release the Cable in the below.

 Unscrew the Heat Wire,then keep opening the screw in the middle. 

 Through all this action ends up seperating the Heat Wire Holder from the Sealing Bar.  
 Bring a new one to replace, you may find a screw in there.

 Put this new Holder onto a groove of the Sealing Bar and fasten it. 

 Fasten the screw for Heat Wire and keep connecting the Cable in the below. 

 Raise up the Lever into upwards and put the Cover by fastening the screws.

 Thank you for taking time and watching the video !
