Replacement How to replace an Hydraulic Oil Filter for Chamber Type Packing Machin…
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This is an Oil Filter and prepare a Chain Belt to replace the Oil Filter
Put a Chain Belt on the Oil Filter while making it hold and tight and turn it to the counter-clock wise
then you may see the Oil Filter is moving and turning and coming out as you turn to take it out.
At this time, Oil will be flowing from the bottom of the Oil Filter,
so hold the Filter well with a hand and get it carefully out.
This is an Hydraulic Oil Filter
Bring a new Oil Filter and insert it with a hand through the hole into clockwise for this time
Now it is time for Oil Filter not to move and hold and tight by using a Chain Belt
Turn and fasten it by Chain Belt into clockwise until it is completely locked up.
This finishes How to replace an Hydraulic Oil Filter for Chamber Type Packing Machine.
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