
2013 Summer vacation schedule will be notified.

페이지 정보

작성자 이름 : Airzero 연락처연락번호 :    이메일이메일 :    댓글 0건 조회 9,189회 작성일 13-07-26 14:35


We thank you for your visiting Intrise.
Our Korean office will be closed during summer vacation as follows:
Jul. 31, 2013 ~ Aug. 4, 2013

All inquires posted on the web or emails will be anwsered after Aug. 5 in our soonest way. And any issue that requires our urgent support, please email to intty@intrise.co.kr with the captioned "URGENT".

We like you to fully understand any inconvenience that might have been caused to you during this period. Thank you.
[이 게시물은 최고관리자님에 의해 2023-12-14 14:40:11 [복사본] 공지사항에서 복사 됨]


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